Sempat Jadi Mualaf, 5 Artis Ini Malah Kembali Peluk Agama Sebelumnya


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Sempat Jadi Mualaf, 5 Artis Ini Malah Kembali Peluk Agama Sebelumnya

Senin, 05 November 2018

Soal akidah niscaya bakal menjadi masalah privasi bagi individu masing-masing. Karena masalah pengalaman spiritual hanya akan dirasakan bagi pemeluk agama serta Tuhan.

Website hosting is an important but often taken for granted aspect of running an online business. Sure, the site owner knows that he needs a web hosting company to get his website live on the Internet, but not all types of web hosting are created equal. Some will do with free hosting, some will have their own dedicated servers while others will use a shared hosting plan. There is another type of web hosting, however, that comes in between dedicated servers and a shared hosting plan. A shared hosting plan is another type of plan that hosts your site on a single server which will be shared by several other sites. A fourth web hosting option is with the use of a Linux VPS or Virtual Private Server. So far, this appears to be the best. When you're on a free hosting plan, you can obviously save a lot of money but you will never be able to create a strong and established identity online as your site will be full of advertisements. In other words, you cannot have full control of that space that is supposedly yours on the Internet and you can't even have a URL that is all yours as you will need to have your host's name on it as well. If you're on a dedicated server hosting plan, you will have all the control you need in hosting your site, but this is going to be a problem if your technical skills are limited. This type of hosting plan is also very expensive and can prove to be very impractical unless your business is so big that you can't make use of any other option. It does seem as though a free and dedicated web hosting plans lie on the extremes of the whole scenario. If you think you would like something more than free hosting and less than dedicated hosting, then you can try a shared hosting plan. This will give you more control over your site, although it will not be as much compared to a dedicated hosting. But at least, you get to use a URL that bears your business name and your business name alone. The problem with shared hosting, however, is that you will be sharing a single web server that hosts many other sites aside from your own. That means when that server encounters a technical problem, your site will be affected. Again, your fourth option, Linux VPS, can prove to be the best website hosting option for you. This plan will allow you to create your own virtual private server from a single physical server which may host other sites as well. However, each site will get its own operating system and its own configuration capabilities without affecting each other. You can easily liken this type of hosting to dedicated hosting, except that it costs so much less. Of course, when you have a large company, dedicated hosting is technically most suitable. But for small to medium scale businesses, VPS can efficiently provide for all hosting needs at a very affordable cost. When you want cheap web hosting [] that is also highly efficient, Linux web hosting [] could be the answer. Article Source: Article Source:
Nampaknya faktor tersebut juga dirasakan oleh sebagian individu, tergolong selebritis Indonesia. Meski pernah tetapkan untuk menjadi mualaf menjadi seorang muslim, tetapi kesannya kembali ke akidah awal.

Lalu siapa saja mereka?

1. Lulu Tobing

Website hosting is an important but often taken for granted aspect of running an online business. Sure, the site owner knows that he needs a web hosting company to get his website live on the Internet, but not all types of web hosting are created equal. Some will do with free hosting, some will have their own dedicated servers while others will use a shared hosting plan. There is another type of web hosting, however, that comes in between dedicated servers and a shared hosting plan. A shared hosting plan is another type of plan that hosts your site on a single server which will be shared by several other sites. A fourth web hosting option is with the use of a Linux VPS or Virtual Private Server. So far, this appears to be the best. When you're on a free hosting plan, you can obviously save a lot of money but you will never be able to create a strong and established identity online as your site will be full of advertisements. In other words, you cannot have full control of that space that is supposedly yours on the Internet and you can't even have a URL that is all yours as you will need to have your host's name on it as well. If you're on a dedicated server hosting plan, you will have all the control you need in hosting your site, but this is going to be a problem if your technical skills are limited. This type of hosting plan is also very expensive and can prove to be very impractical unless your business is so big that you can't make use of any other option. It does seem as though a free and dedicated web hosting plans lie on the extremes of the whole scenario. If you think you would like something more than free hosting and less than dedicated hosting, then you can try a shared hosting plan. This will give you more control over your site, although it will not be as much compared to a dedicated hosting. But at least, you get to use a URL that bears your business name and your business name alone. The problem with shared hosting, however, is that you will be sharing a single web server that hosts many other sites aside from your own. That means when that server encounters a technical problem, your site will be affected. Again, your fourth option, Linux VPS, can prove to be the best website hosting option for you. This plan will allow you to create your own virtual private server from a single physical server which may host other sites as well. However, each site will get its own operating system and its own configuration capabilities without affecting each other. You can easily liken this type of hosting to dedicated hosting, except that it costs so much less. Of course, when you have a large company, dedicated hosting is technically most suitable. But for small to medium scale businesses, VPS can efficiently provide for all hosting needs at a very affordable cost. When you want cheap web hosting [] that is also highly efficient, Linux web hosting [] could be the answer. Article Source: Article Source:
Nama Lulu Tobing pastinya familiar bagi pecinta sinetron masa 90-an. Apalagi penggila sinetron berjudul ‘Tersanjung’ yg tayang selagi tujuh tahun sejak 1998 hingga 2005.

Di luar soal akting, nama Lulu Tobing pernah menjadi pembicaraan seusai ia dinikahi oleh cucu mantan Presiden Soeharto, Danny Bimo Hendro Utomo yg tidak lain merupakan putra dari Mbak Tutut.

Yang ramai dibicarakan merupakan dikala Lulu tetapkan untuk menjadi mualaf dikala itu mengikuti akidah dari suaminya. Namun kekerabatan ijab kabul Lulu kandas seusai 2016 kemudian ia menggugat cerai suaminya.

Namun isu perceraian keduanya kabarnya dibatalkan karena Lulu rutin bolos hadir di persidangan.

Lama tidak muncul, Lulu lantas mengunggah gambar gereja di Instagramnya yg membikin netizen beropini Lulu kembali ke akidah awal.

“#godspainting #skylover," bunyi keterangan gambar gereja tersebut, semacam yg juga diberitakan, Minggu (17/10/2018).

2. Jonas Rivano

Jonas Rivanno terperinci terangan mengaku sempat menjadi seorang mualaf. Namun beliau kembali memeluk agama Katolik dikala tetapkan untuk menikah dengan Asmirandah.

Jonas Rivanno membenarkan isu beliau yg sempat menjadi mualaf (masuk Islam) pada 22 Agustus lalu. Namun, dikala ini pesinetron Nikita itu diduga sudah kembali murtad (keluar dari Islam).

"Iya, saya akui saya sempat sehingga mualaf," ujar Jonas semacam dilansir dari, Jumat (15/11/2013).

Dirinya mengaku soal agama merupakan masalah pribadinya serta ia siap mempertanggujawabkan pilihannya pribadi terhadap Tuhan.

“Keyakinan (agama) saya itu kan hak saya sebagai manusia, pertanggungjawaban saya terhadap Yang Di Atas, nggak mau terlalu detil menjelaskannya,” tegas dia.

3. Sophia Latjuba

Sophia Latjuma pernah dikabarkan sudah menjadi mualaf. Hal ini didasari dengan sejumlah gambar yg mengenakan mukena di akun social media miliknya.

"Saya mualaf bukan karena siapa-siapa. Ini merupakan kekerabatan saya dengan Tuhan, bukan karena saya mau menikah alias apapun," terang Sophia seraya membahas kabarnya menjadi mualaf karena berpacaran dengan Ariel Noah, semacam dilansir dari, (20/04/2018).

Namun akidah Sophia kembali diperdebatkan karena unggahannya sedang beraktifitas di gereja di Jerman. Dalam gambar tersebut ia sedang menata lilin di suatu altar gereja.

4. Nafa Urbach

Saat menjalin kekerabatan dengan Primus Yustito, nyatanya Nafa Urbach pernah menjadi seorang mualaf.

Namun hubungannya dengan suami Jihan Fahira ini wajib kandas dalam waktu empat tahun.

Kemudian, Nafa Urbach rupanya kembali memeluk agama kristen ketika dirinya menjalin kekerabatan dengan suaminya Zack Lee.

Artinya dirinya kembali pindah ke agamanya yg dulu seusai menjadi seorang mualaf.

Hal ini juga menbuat heboh netizen, apalagi ketika itu Nafa tengah mencapai puncak kepopulerannya.

5. Jono Gugun Blues Shelter

Jono sudah menjadi mualaf dengan mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat di Masjid Raya Aceh Baitturahman pada Oktober 2000. Pernikahan sebelumnya dengan perempuan asal Aceh, Fauziah yg membuatnya memeluk Islam.

Namun ketika ini rumah tangga Jono serta Fauziah sudah kandas pada 3 Mei 2015 di Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Timur. Pernikahan pertamanya ini Jono dikarunai tiga anak yaitu Adam Sultan, Tobi Ibrahim serta Thomas Ismail.

Perpindahan agama yg kini dilakukan pemilik nama Jono Amstrong ini juga dikabarkan karena beliau akan segera mempersunting kekasih barunya, Tjitje. Tyson pula yg membocorkan faktor ini.